HBO’s adaptation of The Last of Us Part 2 will adapt certain cut material.
Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us series on PlayStation is one of its marquee properties and recently gained new fans through HBO live action series.
Naughty Dog has proven itself adept at crafting remasters over time, as evidenced by titles like The Last of Us Remastered for PlayStation 3, released back in 2013, that made its way onto PlayStation 4 four years later in 2014. We also witnessed Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection for PS4, as well as Legacy of Thieves Collection on PC and PS5, in 2022.
Naughty Dog released The Last of Us Part I as part of Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection this same year with an all-out remake adapted specifically to PlayStation 5. Rather than offering just an updated remaster for 2014’s Remake of Uncharted, The Last of Us Part I provides players with an entirely rebuilt experience from start to finish on PS5 console.
Last month, after much anticipation and months of speculation, Naughty Dog announced The Last of Us Part II Remastered for PlayStation 5. This enhanced 4K visuals at 60 frames per second as well as upgraded DualSense controller features will bring greater enjoyment than its free new-gen upgrade for PS5.
At its heart is No Return mode; additional content from original sequel with Lost Levels; Guitar Free Play mode; director’s commentary and much more! If you already own The Last of Us Part II on PS4, upgrading to this remaster would cost only PS10/$10.
As for new modes and levels, we know ‘No Return’ will feature at least 12 levels with randomised challenges as well as various playable characters with their own sets of skills to select. At present we don’t know exactly what content will make an appearance in ‘Lost Levels’.
Remastered of The Last of Us Part II may have come about to capitalize on the hype for season two of HBO TV show. Additionally, fans could enjoy playing an improved version of a game they enjoy so much.
Neil Druckmann is one of the co-creators behind both Naughty Dog video game The Last of Us Part II and HBO television show adaptation, The Last of Us TV Series, as well as co-founder. Recently in an interview with Entertainment Weekly he revealed that some scenes will be drawn directly from cuts made to The Last of Us Part II for adaptation into season two episodes of HBO show.
“To give a tease,” stated Druckmann, “there may be at least one element from The Last of Us Part II that’s planned for inclusion on the show – though all details could change depending on our assessment of what will work best.” We know season two will feature moments from The Last of Us Part II but believe its content could spread across at least two more seasons of HBO series before release (it should debut sometime around 2025).
Regarding The Last of Us Part II Remastered, its release for PlayStation 5 will occur on 19 January 2024.