Following its difficult launch, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 plans to offer players freebies as compensation.
No matter how often we mention it, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III’s launch hasn’t exactly gone according to plan – something the developers appear aware of since they announced players will receive a freebie following such a trying experience.
As it seems illogical that we’ve suddenly gone from hearing that the launch went “great” to now being given details on issues with it, let’s examine first why and how freebies were offered at launch.
Devs from Call of Duty have acknowledged one of the more pressing problems since Modern Warfare III’s release is Battle Pass XP’s inconsistency; many fans took to social media (typical gamer behavior!) in protest at this aspect of gameplay, venting their disappointment therein. As compensation, refunds will be given out once an appropriate patch for these issues have been released.
As reported last week, this patch has already made its debut and developers have been hard at work behind-the-scenes to address it since launch of Modern Warfare III (MWIII). Perhaps this issue should have been dealt with prior to game’s release…?
Either way, the patch has been “rolled out”, with plans in motion to retroactively award players with any XP they would have earned in matches since launch – which should take effect soon enough based on our assumptions of when specifically this might take effect.
According to The Loadout, your refund amount depends on how long you spent playing, so don’t expect more freebies than what are legitimately due to you. Please understand this is just part of life and needs be respected!