The Future of Women in Esports Trends, Opportunities, and Aspirations

It’s been a long time coming, but women are finally being allowed to make a name for themselves in professional esports. Up until recently, only a handful of female players could realistically be labeled as prominent. However, it’s not just team rosters that are light on female talent. In every corner of the gaming industry, women have been poorly represented.

So what’s changed? Below, we’ll take a look at some of the challenges female players are still facing, along with the new opportunities that have been unveiled to help women and girls into careers in gaming and esports.

Where Are All the Women?

There’s a huge gender imbalance in esports. While video games have always been considered a male pursuit, the statistics show otherwise. In the United States, around 48% of gamers identify as female. This percentage is significantly higher than in many Asian countries, where the average is closer to 37%.

However, a quick look at some esports statistics shows that women aren’t as engaged with this corner of the gaming sector. The United States has one of the most enthusiastic esports audiences on the planet, with 2023 viewing figures expected to surpass $46 million. But who exactly is watching? The stats reveal that only 28% of viewers are female, with only 3% admitting they’d call themselves avid fans.

Why Aren’t There More Women Playing Esports?

Canadian esports star Sasha “Scarlett” Hostyn is one of the rare examples of a high-profile female esports star. The Canadian has turned her passion into a living, earning more than $430,000 in her competitive gaming career. Still, she barely registers in the rankings for top-earning esports players. In fact, she barely makes the top 500.

Sadly, it seems the outdated view that video games are a strictly male hobby has held many women back from pursuing a career in esports. However, many organizations have made attempts to rectify this problem, with women-only leagues and inclusive initiatives aimed at bringing more diversity to this dynamic industry.


What Opportunities Are Out There?

In 2021, ESL Gaming set an example by launching a new women’s league for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Many major esports organizations have assembled rosters to participate in this league and ones like it, including G2 Esports.

Valorant is another title that’s made great strides to welcome more women into esports, with the VCT Game Changers program intended to bring exposure to all-female rosters. This move has been particularly successful, introducing many high-profile players to esports audiences. Rising stars like Odella “eneri” Abraham and Michaela “mimi” Lintrup are ones to watch and could soon find themselves as part of mixed-gender lineups at top-flight VCT games. Want to see how your favorite female players are doing? Get the information you need by heading to


Do Female Players Have a Future in Esports?

Many argue that women-only leagues and inclusivity initiatives are doing more harm than good, highlighting differences rather than putting everyone on an equal footing. It’s a valid enough stance, but something needs to be done to address the disparity that’s been plaguing esports and the video game industry for so long.

As more women establish themselves at the highest levels of esports, the next generation of female gamers will have visible heroes they can aspire to. Combine this with increasingly accessible games and esports resources and you have a new crop of female talent ready and waiting to take on the boys in a few years.

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