Sega Unveils Official Sonic

Sega Unveils Official Sonic The Hedgehog Timeline

Sega Unveils Official Sonic The Hedgehog Timeline

Sega has released an official timeline for the *Sonic the Hedgehog* series, providing fans with clarity on the chronological order of events in the franchise. Spanning over three decades, the *Sonic* series has included numerous mainline games, spin-offs, and adaptations, many of which have caused confusion regarding their place in the overall continuity.

The timeline, available on the official *Sonic the Hedgehog* website, starts with prehistoric events such as the birth of cosmic beings Light Gaia and Dark Gaia from *Sonic Unleashed* (2008) and the arrival of the Ancients from *Sonic Frontiers*. It also covers significant lore like the Babylon Rogues’ ancestors, the fall of the Echidna Tribe, and Professor Gerald Robotnik’s experiments in *Sonic Adventure 2*.

For many fans, the placement of *Sonic CD* has been a source of debate, but the timeline confirms that it occurs before *Sonic the Hedgehog 2*. The timeline progresses through the classic 2D games, the Modern Era starting with *Sonic the Hedgehog 4*, and even includes spin-offs such as *Sonic Riders* and *Sonic Shuffle*.

While not every *Sonic* title is included, the timeline helps answer many fan questions and sets the stage for future games that will expand on the franchise’s rich lore.

Sega Unveils Official Sonic The Hedgehog Timeline
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