Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War – Where to Find Secret Weapon for Patriot Arrow Achievement
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is Full of challenges and Accomplishments waiting to be unlocked. While some Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War accomplishments are easier than others, there is a fairly catchy accomplishment in the assignment Echoes of a Cold War.
Achievements are somewhat different than Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Challenges as they are exclusive to each platform. Even though PlayStation and Xbox frequently share accomplishments, some small variations may be based on the name. In cases like this, the accomplishment is identical on both platforms.
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In that, the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Campaign assignment Echoes of a Cold War, gamers Will Need to kill an enemy using a secret weapon while ziplining. This produces a two-part issue for gamers wanting to attain this, as they need not just to receive a zip line kill but do it with a weapon that they may not have discovered. The accomplishment is worth 30 GamerScore on One or Xbox Trophy on PlayStation systems, and finishing this accomplishment will require skill and evaluation.
Patriot Arrow Achievement
Players will have to browse through that the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Campaign assignment till they come upon the area where they’re falling off the zipline. This is the stage of the assignment where players shed their weapons and browse through the construction in secret. Close to the first door gamers will be a human body with a few arrows onto it. Pick the arrows up and then follow the corridor until the trail has a window onto the ideal side. Sneak inside that space and locate the Recurve Bow at the top of numerous wooden crates.
From that point, players play through the mission until they once more stumble upon a zipline. This is going to be soon following an encounter with an enemy onto a turret at a watchtower. Split the zipline and apply the Recurve Bow to kill some of those enemies on the opposite side. Players that miss the first shot may revert to the previous checkpoint for further attempts. When the soldier dies, that the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War accomplishment will be unlocked.
The toughest aspect of the accomplishment is hitting the moving object whilst ziplining and with a bow. After a couple of rounds of training, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War lovers are certain to recall why this weapon isn’t just secret but also incredibly dangerous in the proper hands.