Apex Legends Players Discover Horizon Speed Boost Trick
Respawn Entertainment’s Apex Legends watched a major shake-up with the release of Season 7: Ascension, which prominently added a brand new Legend to play and a new map to explore. The battle royale’s new character, Horizon, contributes unique gravity-focused mechanics to Apex Legends. In the brief time since her launch, players happen to be figuring out different ways to use those mechanics for their advantage.
One of Horizon’s kit’s essential skills is that her Gravity Well, with which she can produce a vertical”tunnel” of gravity, which may raise anybody who moves up it 30 meters off the ground. The ability stays active for 10 seconds and is promoted as letting players bring their teammates to a high floor or surprising an enemy by flinging them up off their feet. But, an Apex Legends participant who moves by loseryeet on Reddit seems to have figured out a more market use of the ability.
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In a video uploaded Friday to the r/apexuniversity subreddit, which will be dedicated to fans of this battle royale sharing hints and tricks, loseryeet shows off the Gravity Well’s ability to boost strafing when put under a low ceiling. Their instance on Apex Legends’ newest map Olympus, shows that being continuously elevated off the ground increases movement rate, letting them dodge incoming fire readily while aiming down the opponent.
Just like any new content dump in an ongoing game like Apex Legends, there’ve been plenty of glitches, and unintended system overlaps that players are uncovering for Season 7. Horizon has become the subject of some hilarious glitches, in fact. However, loseryeet’s Gravity Well trick appears more like a trendy technical hint than a game-breaking exploit, even though it may not be exactly what the developers intended players to do.
The steady flow of upgrades in Respawn Entertainment’s hit game, which recently expanded to Steam, has helped it become a large money-maker for writer EA. In its current second-quarter financial report, EA stated Apex Legends could develop into a billion-dollar franchise by the end of March 2021.
It is probably the game will only continue to grow from here. Additionally, there are plans to port Apex Legends to the Nintendo Switch and cellular devices, though EA CEO Andrew Wilson supported mobile versions have been delayed. Meanwhile, those who do have access to this battle royale can keep trying out new combinations of personalities and skills to find more winning tricks.