The Classic Atari Game Centipede is Making a Comeback
Atari’sCentipedeIn 1981, the arcade cabinet was first introduced. The ultimate in arcade cabinet design.retro game classics game has been port, remade and re-released many times over the past forty years. It is now receiving a new life.Centipede Recharged.
Atari announced the rebooted game with a trailer on Tuesday. Although the publisher didn’t announce a release date for the game, the trailer shows how centipede: Recharged hopes the franchise will be revived.
Centipede Recharged has a retro-futuristic design that bathes the wireframes with bright neon colors. It is similar to Missile Command: Recharged last year and has the same lead developer Adam Nickerson. Centipede Recharged offers a range of new features in addition to the classic bug-shooting gameplay. There are a variety of new power-ups and challenge modes, as well as couch co-op.
The trailer for the game showed some of these new modes. One of these modes is called Indirect Approach. This requires that the player fire at a wall made up of indestructible stones. Bomberman is another mode that provides the player with numerous bombs to blast enemies. There are also modes called Wilderness and Flea Extermination as well as Spider Invasion Arrows and A Clear Path. It’s unclear what each mode is, as this is not an exhaustive list. Still, it looks like an impressive array of variations to the Atari classic.
A few new power-ups are also shown in the trailer. One shoots a powerful purple laser that can destroy everything in its path. One gives players explosive bullets to do more splash damage. A trailer shows off a multi-shot powerup.
Nickerson spoke briefly to Axios about how he almost missed the chance to revive the arcade classic. His relationship with Atari began after he received an email from Atari through his spam folder. After reaching out, Atari presented Nickerson with a list of games and asked which ones he wanted to remake. Missile Command was his first choice when he was younger.
Nickerson briefly described his hopes for Centipede’s Recharged. Indie game developer Nickerson wants to recreate classic games while adding new mechanics and features. He hopes centipede Recharged will bring back the arcade classic to a new generation. There are good odds that the game will be received as well as Missile Commander: Recharged.