What is the Power of Apex Legends’ Newcastle, Texas?
This week is a great opportunity to get back into Apex Legends and change your playstyle or attitude.
The Apex community is buzzing with activity ahead of Season13, which will begin May 10.
Reddit players have been discussing the skills of Newcastle, the new legend, as part of their preparation.
Apex Legends Players Examine Newcastle’s Abilities
XThejw posted at the start of the thread and asked a simple question about Newcastle’s ultimate, tactical, and passive abilities. “Op or Balance?”
The thread was filled with diverse opinions. Many users were less confident than usual in judging Newcastle’s effectiveness in-game.
User AverageGamer2607 explains, “Defensive characters such as Newcastle and Rampart rely upon how players utilise these and their abilities”, before concluding that: “I believe Newcastle (will) be balanced, but as people learn how to play him, he will become more difficult to deal with.” This is more than any other legend.
CommanderSabo suggested that they play as Newcastle to understand his abilities better. However, he did mention his passive ability, which involves dragging an ally to safety while reviving them.
However, a different user suggested that Newcastle might not be suited to the preferred playstyle for most Apex players. He said: “The more a character’s kit is designed (like Rampart/Wattson), the fewer people want them to play them. Robocop is expected to be no different.
SaltySnowman8 was among those who compared Newcastle’s abilities with Lifeline’s before a controversial nerf that has made the character less effective.
User MJR_Poltergeist furthered this point, saying, “His entire kit could’ve been improved both Lifeline and Rampart, but they decided to continue anyway”.
Although it is still unclear how Newcastle will fit in the Apex landscape of Apex, Loliknight felt confident enough to make a bold prediction: “Someone’s going to post Newcastle being krabered during his Ult jumping animation within one week of season launch.”