Guide To Craft a Lead In Minecraft

Guide To Craft a Lead In Minecraft

Lead is the only way to bind your animals to a certain spot and hope to see them again in Minecraft.

In this article, we will help you understand what a lead is and why it is essential for you to learn that. Making Lead in any platform is identical and frankly saying quite simple as well.

Here is the Guide that is going to help you in making Lead

Making Lead In Minecraft

If you are trying to make a Lead in Minecraft, then you are at the right place. To craft Lead, you will only need two materials: listening below.

  • Four Units of String
  • One Unit of Slimeball

How To Find Materials

Get String

To make Lead, you need to get your hands on some String, but to acquire that, you will need to get your hands dirty by fighting Cobwebs. Cobwebs are often found in the mine, so if you happen to be nearby an abandoned mine, you should enter it to acquire String.

Another way of getting String is by slaying Spiders; you see, spiders are responsible for forming Cobwebs, so obviously, you will manage to get String once you beat them.


Tracking down a Slime is the tricky part. Slimes are not so common in the world of Minecraft due to being formed around biome or underground areas, also called Slime Chunks. But choosing between Biomes and Undeground areas, I’m sure you must’ve figured out swamps are the right choice to locate some Slime.

Crafting Lead

Kudos to you for managing to find the required materials! Now we are going to show you how to form the Lead.

  1. Open the Craft Table
  2. Place String in the first and second box
  3. Leave the third box empty
  4. Place string in the fourth box
  5. Place the Slimeball in the fifth box
  6. Skip the next three boxes
  7. Place the Final String in the last box


Frequently Asked Questions

Is There Another Way To Get Lead

Yes, there is. If you cannot find slimes, the most common alternative to get your hands on a Lead is finding the Wandering Trader. The Wandering Trader often has two llamas that he keeps a lead on. You can choose to either kill the trader or the llamas and get it once it drops.

Can Lead Be Used on Humans?

No, unfortunately, Lead can not be used on Humans

Is The Lead Unbreakable?

No. The Lead can be broken in several ways. The first and the foremost is by pressing the button on the target. Targeting the Knot or breaking the object that is attached.

Animals that you use Lead on

  • Bee
  • Cat
  • Chicken
  • Cow
  • Dolphin
  • Donkey
  • Fox
  • Hoglin
  • Horse (Zombie Horse and Skeleton Horse)
  • Iron Golem
  • Llama & Trader llama
  • Mooshroom
  • Mule
  • Ocelot
  • Parrot
  • Pig
  • Polar Bear
  • Rabbit
  • Sheep
  • Snow Golem
  • Squid (Bedrock Only)
  • Strider
  • Wolf
  • Zoglin‌
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