Street Fighter 6 World Tour – Guile Master Guide

Street Fighter 6 World Tour – Guile Master Guide

Street Fighter 6 World Tour – Guile Master Guide


Guile has been one of the mainstays in Street Fighter since Street Fighter 2, though his presence was less prominent during Street Fighter 3. Remy filled some of his Sonic Booms and Flash Kicks duties when Guile wasn’t around, but since then Guile is back as an integral component in every Street Fighter release; many consider him their hero!

Guile is often one of our first experiences with charge type characters like him in Street Fighter 6. His special moves require holding down one direction for an extended period, tapping opposite direction then pressing an attack button before holding down on either direction a short while longer before pressing an attack button again – something made significantly simpler by Street Fighter 6’s modern control scheme. For those interested in becoming Guile’s student here’s how you can become his pupil!

Guile can be encountered throughout the main storyline, though in order to gain his wisdom you’ll have to put in effort. He can be found during Chapter 8-7 after infiltrating/exploring SiRN building in Metro City at night; after which you will need to head down to Metro City harbour wearing labcoat and speak with NPC wearing labcoat in daytime; once done you will be taken directly onto Carrier Byron Taylor where Guile awaits!

Once the brief introduction cutscene ends, take quick photos of Guile just like Ryu and E Honda before sending them off to Asterix – your mysterious informant – once completed, talk with Guile again about your intention to train under him to unlock yourself a brand new master!

Street Fighter 6 World Tour – Guile Master Guide
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