Developer confirms remaster of Croc HD is now underway, in development stage.

Developer confirms remaster of Croc HD is now underway, in development stage.

Developer confirms remaster of Croc HD is now underway, in development stage.


Oh dear. Today marks an exciting development: Croc HD development according to Argonaut founder Jez San. I can honestly say it has been 24 long years of waiting – yet here it finally is!

Croc: The Legend of Gobbos remains a powerful source of nostalgia for me and many other fans, and hearing its iconic soundtrack always brings back fond memories. Do you recall its opening scene – with baby Croc’s arrival and subsequent kidnap of Gobbo King Rufus… Imagine hearing those crystal orb chimes and Beany Bird gong crashes… That must all bring back fond memories now; unfortunately though Croc is unfortunately out of reach of most players; that may soon change with new support appearing.

Croc HD is in development. This announcement came about when Time Extension published an article recognizing Croc as one of 3D platforming’s unsung heroes, prompting author James Batchelor to tweet out about it: “Huge thanks to Time Extension for giving me this platform and Nic Cusworth for giving up so much time just so we could discuss Croc. Now let’s campaign for its HD remake!”

Well it appears the campaign wasn’t necessary after all – Argonaut Software founder Jez San responded directly on twitter by sharing news that Croc HD development has indeed begun early development.” Voila! There it was! Confirmation.

What I found most surprising was when Jez used the term ‘Croc HD.’ You might assume this means an HD remake; or perhaps, even better yet, an instalment simply featuring HD graphics for newcomer Croc! All three possibilities excite me! Welcome back, Croc.

Developer confirms remaster of Croc HD is now underway, in development stage.
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