GTA 5 graphic torture mission considered unnecessary retrospectively

GTA 5 graphic torture mission considered unnecessary retrospectively

GTA 5 graphic torture mission considered unnecessary retrospectively


Grand Theft Auto V will soon celebrate ten years. Feeling old yet?

Where has all this time gone? Gamers have been exploring Los Santos for almost 10 years now, yet we don’t yet know when we’ll finally get our hands on the next installment in the franchise. Players have had plenty of time to reflect upon GTA V’s content (both positive and negative), with many agreeing on its inane torture mission as being unnecessary.

As UNILAD reports, in order to complete their game, players must complete Trevor’s By The Book mission which involves him torturing suspected terrorist Ferdinand Kerimov using various forms of torture, from pulling teeth to shocking with car batteries or waterboarding him – this scene proved highly contentious when first released; even now many fans feel as if it went too far.

“While it seemed pointless and unnecessary at the time, with hindsight it serves to remind players that GTA characters aren’t fun people who happen to be criminals – they’re terrible!” @onion2k wrote last month on his twitter feed.

Fans have previously voiced this sentiment as well: @madvllainy said the GTA V torture scene was excessive: it took too long, was unnecessary and should’ve been skippable altogether, according to them. In another fan opinion shared on Reddit by @8lackswan_ttv it said this also.

Let us hope that Rockstar Games has learned its lesson by the time GTA VI comes out.

GTA 5 graphic torture mission considered unnecessary retrospectively
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