Ubisoft may face backlash from Star Wars fans over their game's female protagonist and they threaten to boycott Ubisoft's open world game in protest of this decision.

Ubisoft may face backlash from Star Wars fans over their game’s female protagonist and they threaten to boycott Ubisoft’s open world game in protest of this decision.

Ubisoft may face backlash from Star Wars fans over their game’s female protagonist and they threaten to boycott Ubisoft’s open world game in protest of this decision.


Xbox has had an up and down few months, especially surrounding Redfall. At last night’s Xbox Showcase however, they proved they have come roaring back strong – giving what may well have been one of their finest performances to date!

Starfield is shaping up nicely and could very well become one of the largest games ever seen, not to mention those stunning Forza Motorsport graphics! In addition to first-party exclusives like these two titles, some third-party releases were unveiled like Ubisoft’s open world Star Wars game called Outlaws which takes place between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi; players will assume control of Kay Vess; however some toxic fans have threatened boycott due to her being female protagonist of course!

Astoundingly, in 2023 this is still an issue! Though, hopefully only a very small minority are taking issue. Star Wars Outlaws has received very well so far; though much will depend on tomorrow’s gameplay reveal as a CGI story trailer can only do so much to promote a game’s popularity. But some Star Wars fans take exception with Kay being female!

All across the internet you can find pockets of misogynist rhetoric when discussing this fact. One viewer of the trailer wrote “I won’t purchase this game if we aren’t allowed to create our own character”, while another commented, “Looks like another’strong independent woman,’ thanks but no thanks” with one comment reading: “Additionally clearly it will be heavy on WAKE/Strongpass”, all because this film stars women. Upon reading that last comment I just shook my head in disbelief before proceeding:”Additionally it’s clear it’s going to be heavy WAKE/Strongpass.” I just shook my head over this movie’s star power!

“So Jedi Survivor for girls to keep Disney woke?” It is quite telling that many Star Wars fans seem excited for Kay’s journey; we will provide updates as she goes. Join us later tonight when we bring you our gameplay coverage of Jedi Survivor!

Ubisoft may face backlash from Star Wars fans over their game’s female protagonist and they threaten to boycott Ubisoft’s open world game in protest of this decision.
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