Final Fantasy XIV Maintenance Schedule, June 19

Final Fantasy XIV Maintenance Schedule, June 19

Final Fantasy XIV Maintenance Schedule, June 19


On June 19th, Final Fantasy XIV will go down again for maintenance to implement Patch 6.41 which should address some bugs. Fans have speculated as to what might come this time and will no doubt wait patiently until its arrival two weeks after last maintenance period ended.

Maintenance should last around six hours and impact all Worlds, although hotfixes were introduced with the last maintenance period on June 5. Although patches were introduced as part of that maintenance period on June 5, there’s a good chance this patch will go a step further in eliminating bugs introduced since. One such bug allows players to bypass knockback using actions like desynthesis and repair during combat – actions which have already been disabled as part of early hotfixes; a permanent solution has yet to be determined.

Maintenance will commence around 9 pm PDT; below is the schedule by region:

North America: At 9pm to 3am PDT (Pacific Time, Mountain Daylight Time (MDT), 10am to 4am; Central Daylight Time 11pm-5am and Eastern Daylight Time (12am-6am, EDT); Europe (WEST to 12PM and CEST 7AM-1PM vs Japan Standard Time (JST – Japanese Standard Time ) as follows ; Oceania
Australian Eastern Time (AET): 2pm to 8pm As of writing, patch 6.45 has yet to receive its confirmed release date and players will have to wait and see if there are any more interruptions before its roll out; fans hope this scheduled interruption is the last scheduled one before its implementation in a matter of weeks or days.

Final Fantasy XIV Maintenance Schedule, June 19
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