GTA 6 fans are increasingly concerned they might die before its release date arrives.

GTA 6 fans are increasingly concerned they might die before its release date arrives.

GTA 6 fans are increasingly concerned they might die before its release date arrives.


As previously noted, Grand Theft Auto VI remains on hold. We know Rockstar Games has been diligently developing it since a long while back; while progress may be being made it’s never ending!

Rockstar officially confirmed Grand Theft Auto VI’s existence over a year ago, much to their displeasure, yet fans got their first look of the project during an extensive leak that occurred last September when Rockstar studio was hit with cyber attacks resulting in leaked development footage, screenshots, source code leakage as well as source code being leaked online by hackers. Recently on an earnings call they stated their goal date as 2024/25 with teases from GTA V updates suggesting an announcement may occur soon – though without an exact release date set many GTA fans fear dying before receiving its arrival!

Reddit user swifto12 expressed concern on Reddit about dying before Grand Theft Auto 6 releases. She drank two cups of coffee this morning before her heart faltered slightly – prompting the immediate thought, ‘Oh god. Please no. Not before GTA 6! I feel ridiculous’… Don’t worry: fellow gamers quickly rallied behind Swifto12 to ease her concerns and comfort her during an already emotional time period.

RedL0bsterBiscuit mentioned their age being 39; she expects AARP age before it does; GTA 6 may well be my last game ever in this franchise before GTA 7 arrives (thoughtful words), while Wolverine2397 added, “I do that all of the time”. ToloDaDon elaborated by saying she played every one since GTA’s debut as well; ToloDaDon was there with words similar to hers as ToloDaDon. Both felt similarly about their thoughts regarding having played all these titles since before GTA7! (ToloDaDon). I felt exactly same sentiment OP.

Some commenters have noted that Rockstar may have intended their message as a joke; nonetheless, fans in the comments seem very serious in taking him seriously and seeking updates for themselves and their favorite game! Come on Rockstar; give them something more!

GTA 6 fans are increasingly concerned they might die before its release date arrives.
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