Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2 PC Version Free Download

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, Modern Warfare 3 is experiencing dramatic player growth.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, Modern Warfare 3 is experiencing dramatic player growth.


Call of Duty has long been one of the most beloved franchises in video game history – and for good reason! For two decades running now.

Call of Duty’s multiplayer offerings have long been beloved among its fan base around the globe, from humble PC beginnings in 2003 all the way through modern reboots such as Modern Warfare II or Warzone. From humble roots it quickly grew into one of gaming’s megahit franchises that draws in players worldwide! From humble PC beginnings it quickly morphed into massive franchise spanning countless players around the globe in massive tournaments such as Warzone or Modern Warfare II reboot.

But for many fans of Call of Duty, nothing tops classic titles – and recent matchmaking changes on Xbox have brought back plenty of players eager to revisit Modern Warfare and Black Ops titles from yesteryear. According to Pure Xbox’s report on Xbox, many more people than expected are coming back out to revisit Modern Warfare and Black Ops titles!

Just now I was playing both original Black Ops titles as well as Modern Warfare trilogy on Xbox One and Series X|S. They loaded without issue and I can vouch that you should have no difficulty joining competitive multiplayer matches thanks to backward compatibility – an impressive achievement on any system! Compared to PlayStation, all classic Call of Duty titles should work without issue thanks to backward compatibility on Xbox.

At this writing, 2007’s Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare boasted over 3,300 online Xbox players at any given moment; Modern Warfare 3 (2011) saw nearly 76,000! For some reason when I booted into Modern Warfare 2 (2009) my online player count wasn’t showing, yet within seconds of starting up I found myself part of an active lobby containing 60-70 people – more impressive still considering its release just three years prior.

As for the original Black Ops games, Xbox users shouldn’t experience too many problems in finding matches for Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012) and Black Ops (2010), respectively, are easy to locate matches online at present. BO2 had over 3,300 online at time of writing; Black Ops (2010) boasts 127,000-plus, though we cannot be certain whether those figures for BO2 reflect reality or an unexpected glitch; either way they remain impressive for being over 13 years old! It will be interesting to observe whether such impressive figures continue once these games eventually make an appearance once Microsoft acquire Activision Blizzard through Xbox Game Pass later.

Are You Wanting Classic Call of Duty on Xbox? Well, now might be your opportunity! Xbox Marketplace currently features digital versions of numerous Call of Duty series for sale; Modern Warfare trilogy can be picked up starting at PS9.99/$12.99 each while two original Black Ops titles can be had starting from PS11.99 each! Hurry now before this sale closes as it ends two weeks from now so don’t be disappointed by missed out offers!

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, Modern Warfare 3 is experiencing dramatic player growth.
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