Baldur's Gate 3 just narrowly misses breaking Hogwarts Legacy's Steam record.

Baldur’s Gate 3 just narrowly misses breaking Hogwarts Legacy’s Steam record.

Baldur’s Gate 3 just narrowly misses breaking Hogwarts Legacy’s Steam record.


Baldur’s Gate 3 looks set to make an excellent contender for Game of the Year, yet one accolade could slip past its grasp: World Peace Award.

Larian Studios may not have predicted Baldur’s Gate 3 would experience such an extraordinary success story since its PC launch on 3 August 2023. Since that point in time it has now climbed eight places on Metacritic; becoming both highest rated video game ever for PC users AND highest-rated game overall!

Baldur’s Gate 3 has received many critical accolades so far; yet despite these early accolades it still has yet to surpass Hogwarts Legacy as far as concurrent player records on Steam are concerned. I think however that could change within weeks/months.

SteamDB reports that at this moment in time, Baldur’s Gate 3 had amassed 875,343 concurrent player slots; just shy of Hogwarts Legacy which achieved 879,308 players simultaneously. As per Steam, both titles rank eighth and ninth on its ‘Most Played Games’ lists respectively.

Though Hogwarts Legacy and Baldur’s Gate 3 may both enjoy success in 2023, neither are likely to come anywhere close to setting an all-time concurrent player record. That honor currently belongs to PUBG with 3,257248 concurrent players; second and third places respectively belong to Counter Strike: Global Offensive and Lost Ark with 1.8188773 and 1,325,305 players respectively.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has made its debut on PC and will arrive for PlayStation 5 on 6 September – which coincides with Bethesda’s Starfield release date. Unfortunately, due to technical restrictions with Xbox Series S consoles, Xbox version may take some time before coming online with no set release date set yet.

Baldur’s Gate 3 should arrive sometime early 2024 for Xbox Series X|S.

Baldur’s Gate 3 just narrowly misses breaking Hogwarts Legacy’s Steam record.
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