Starfield reviews have received positive reception thus far from gamers who have played it, according to reports from Starfield fans.

Starfield reviews have received positive reception thus far from gamers who have played it, according to reports from Starfield fans.

Starfield reviews have received positive reception thus far from gamers who have played it, according to reports from Starfield fans.


With early review copies arriving a mere three weeks ahead of the official release, Starfield fans believe this game could become one of the finest offerings to ever hit shelves.

Xbox has much riding on Starfield’s success: as one of its flagship exclusives ever released on Xbox, Bethesda promises an immersive space adventure experience like never before.

These past several weeks have been full of news regarding this game’s customisable starships, explorable planets in their thousands and exciting story line – keeping players eagerly waiting until release day arrives – including hearing that review copies may soon start arriving for reviewers to try before purchase.

Reddit user MrSteve920 shared the news in a post entitled, “Starfield Review Codes are going out later this week”, linking to Tom Henderson’s tweet for more information.

Fans believe Bethesda would only offer early review copies if it believed its quality build could stand up against competition and performance issues and bugs haven’t become an issue with previous titles from Bethesda. Still, fans remain cautious due to previous titles from Bethesda.

“Big if true. A game this size would require some time to understand; plus Bethesda should feel confident the product can ship; yet, its source tweet doesn’t originate with Xbox or Bethesda and therefore cannot be confirmed,” according to Reddit user “bl0kr.”

“I can hardly wait for this game! Let’s hope my poor laptop can handle it properly!”

“This game has received much acclaim…Let’s see if they can live up to my expectation – yet again.”

Recently, it was reported that Xbox urged Bethesda to postpone development by one year and has also helped facilitate bug and performance tests on Starfield – apparently with less bugs than any previous Bethesda title (Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 included!). Xbox also states Starfield will feature enhanced visual quality compared to any of their games before.

Starfield will launch exclusively for Xbox and PC on September 6, with early access available only to purchasers of its special edition.

Starfield reviews have received positive reception thus far from gamers who have played it, according to reports from Starfield fans.
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