Starfield players can experience massive fps increases simply by adjusting one option

Starfield players can experience massive fps increases simply by adjusting one option

Starfield players can experience massive fps increases simply by adjusting one option


Starfieldhas just been out for a brief period of time, yet it’s making waves in the world of video games. to the streets, which ought to not be a surprise given that this is one of the top sought-after games of recent years.

It is true it is Starfield HTML2is an enormous game is an overstatement as it pertains to quality and excitement. The game boasts the biggest city and map the game’s creator Bethesda ever designed and consequently it has made some sacrifices for visual fidelity as well as performance.

So, Starfieldat least is available on Xbox Series X|S is only able to run with thirty frames per second. At first, the absence of 60fps might have turned some off, but when you’re immersed in the game, it’s much of a problem with the speed being somewhat constant 30 frames per second.

It is true that a majority gamers want Starfieldto play in 60 frames per second or, at a minimum provide players with the choice between graphics or images when setting the game’s parameters. For PC there is a possibility to get 60fps using a powerful system. However, as of this the writing process, it appears to be on a fluctuating rate. But, there’s the possibility of improvement.

According to the report stated from PC Gamer As reported by PC Gamer, it’s possible to provide Starfielda vital speed increase. As of now, thanks to Bethesda’s cooperation with AMD and AMD, support for the NVIDIA DLSS is virtually nonexistent.

However thanks to the efforts of a Nexusmods user known as Okhayko ( via Reddit) They have posted a step-by-step guideline that can provide Nvidia PC owners an increase in FPS. In the manual, you should activate your PCI express technology, which is known by the name Resizable BARR (Base Address Register). This allows the CPU to have access to all the memory on your GPU. This could result in the performance of your system.

PC Gamer also reports that should you have an RTX 30 Series GPU, you might need to upgrade the firmware. If you have the RTX 40-Series GPU, or a motherboard that can support Resizable Bar You should be fine to begin.

You need to first download then the Nvidia Profile Inspector and make the modifications:

Choose Starfieldin the drop-down menu for profiles
Find section 5
Make sure that the rBAR feature is enable
Change the options for rBAR to 0x00000001. ( Battlefield V, Returnaletc)
The rBAR size limit is set to (0x0000000040000000). ( Battlefield V, F1 2022 and so on.)
Make sure to click Apply Changes at the top-right
In the near future Nvidia will release driver updates in order that players on PCs using Starfieldwon’t need to feel the requirement to adopt additional steps to enjoy an uninterrupted 60fps experience in Bethesda’s Sci-Fi RPG. As of now, I hope this approach will be able to do what it says on the tin.

According to reports, Starfieldhas proven to be extremely popular that it’s surpassing Skyrim’sconcurrent players on Steam and 60fps are possibly possible with Xbox Series X.

Starfieldis out now for PC and Xbox Series X|S. It’s also available for purchase without cost to gamers who subscribe to Xbox Game Pass.


Starfield players can experience massive fps increases simply by adjusting one option
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