Fallout meets Cyberpunk 2077 in this beautiful Unreal Engine 5 RPG!

Fallout meets Cyberpunk 2077 in this beautiful Unreal Engine 5 RPG!

Fallout meets Cyberpunk 2077 in this beautiful Unreal Engine 5 RPG!


Fans of Cyberpunk 2077 and Fallout should keep an eye out for Exekiller, an upcoming retro futuristic western game with retro graphics that is set for release soon.

Exekiller by Paradark Studio is an engaging first-person action/adventure shooter set in an alternative timeline of post-apocalyptic conditions, taking player choices into account and featuring Denzel Fenix – a bounty hunter in a world decimated by global catastrophe that turned the earth into an enormous desert. Working for an enormous corporation located above New York he embarks upon both self-discovery as well as playing an intricate survival game against rival bounty hunters.

Exekiller offers players an immersive wasteland similar to Fallout with elements of futuristic Cyberpunk 2077; yet all choices you make matter, as there is never only one path or solution available when facing problems during missions. Your decisions play such an impactful role that they could alter the emotions, dialogue or even how your story ends!

As you progress in the game, more areas will open up that can be navigated easily by car. Unfortunately, however, they will also contain several hazardous elements – unexpected enemies and bad weather are just two such obstacles you will face along your journey – that need overcoming. You have various methods available to you whether that be firing all weapons at them at once, hacking around them with stealthy tricks, or simply speaking up when disagreements arise between people on different teams.

Exekiller stands out in that its progression does not depend on levelling up or earning experience points; your progress instead relies on choosing mods, augments and tech implants that advance your character. Rewards received via quests may give access to additional weapons and tactics for you battles.

Exekiller will launch on PC sometime between 2025-2030.

Fallout meets Cyberpunk 2077 in this beautiful Unreal Engine 5 RPG!
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