Gamers claim replaying story-driven videogames is never time wasted.

Gamers claim replaying story-driven videogames is never time wasted.

Gamers claim replaying story-driven video games is never time wasted.


Do you enjoy replaying story-based games? Redditors have taken to discussing why we repeat specific titles over others and whether the time spent replaying certain ones is really worthwhile.

My time constraints prevent me from frequently revisiting narrative adventures even with New Game+ available, usually due to too many games being released or my backlog being too entire; although some I would love to revisit, such as Ghost of Tsushima or Marvel’s Spider-Man, are likely candidates.

One Reddit user took to Reddit in order to address and ponder why some claim rewatching story-based games is useless, specifically mentioning their experience replaying Final Fantasy 7 without becoming bored of it over and over. Cinder-22 took this post further by commenting, noting how they never find playing it boring again!

Respondents quickly answered, with some admitting to having no time or desire for replay games while others confessed they do it often. “Some people want the newest and best. Others appreciate warmth or nostalgia,” according to user Pa11Ma; similarly, many who revisit favorite titles may do it out of comfort or nostalgia; for example, u/MistressAthena69 commented, “I don’t get why people refuse to revisit movies they enjoy again; it would be like telling your friend not watch your favorite film again!” Another user commented saying something like: “Rewatching an average movie takes about 3 1/2 hours of gameplay while replaying an interactive narrative game can take upwards of 30+.”

Though many agree that replaying stories is worthwhile, others feel overwhelmed with all of the new games out there to discover or think it only offers excitement once from playing through! “For them, fun/excitement comes from building stories! Which can only ever come once from playing!”

As there are new games released every month, it can be challenging to keep up with them all and still revisit your favorites; but for those seeking comfort from spending another 200 hours playing Red Dead Redemption 2 or Witcher 3, having this choice gives them peace of mind.

Gamers claim replaying story-driven videogames is never time wasted.
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