Minecraft becomes first ever videogame to sell over 300 Million copies worldwide.

Minecraft becomes first ever videogame to sell over 300 Million copies worldwide.

Minecraft became first ever videogame to sell over 300 Million copies worldwide.


Minecraft, one of the pioneering video games that has captivated players for more than a decade now, recently achieved another landmark by selling over 300 Million copies – becoming the first videogame ever to sell in excess of 300 Million units worldwide.

Minecraft’s success can hardly come as a shock; from its humble roots to Microsoft acquiring it, this popular videogame has never lost any fans or seller status. Perhaps its crucial attribute lies within its easily pick-up-and-play nature or thanks to an army of YouTube content creators making videos about Minecraft!

300 Million copies sold is quite an astounding figure, and according to PC Gamer, over 62% were in just the past two and a half years alone! Of course, Minecraft is one of those multifaceted titles with various versions for various console generations and mobile platforms; I own five different editions, while both my children own three copies each!

300 Million copies sold is genuinely staggering when compared to Grand Theft Auto V’s second-place showing of 185 Million copies sold, according to Minecraft Live, an annual event dedicated to celebrating this game and Mojang, who created it, stated at this milestone approach, “With over 300 Million sold copies worldwide since launch, Minecraft remains one of the best-selling videogames of all time – an accomplishment no one could have anticipated when placing our initial blocks”.

This incredible sales stat comes alongside other significant announcements and statistics, such as the winner of the mob vote being an armadillo that will reside in the Savanna biome. Furthermore, 15 Million Skeletons Slayed by Players, 8.8 Million Pickaxes Crafted, 6.7 Million Diamonds Discovered, and 700,000.000 Cakes Produced are other eye-opening statistics presented.

As someone who has played Minecraft regularly for over ten years, these statistics ring true, and I take immense pleasure from being one of its users.

Minecraft becomes first ever videogame to sell over 300 Million copies worldwide.
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