Baldur's Gate 3 player accidentally kills Scratch the dog while playing fetch.

Baldur’s Gate 3 player accidentally kills Scratch the dog while playing fetch.

Baldur’s Gate 3 player accidentally kills Scratch the dog while playing fetch.


Scratch is one of the cutest canine companions you will encounter in Baldur’s Gate 3; easily found early on in Blighted Village or camp and known for his endearing character traits. He makes for the ideal playmate!

Scratch loves playing fetch with you during his down time and will often bring over interesting items from around the office he finds during his wanderings.

One Reddit user known by their handle “u/ID!OT_3RROR” took to Reddit message boards in order to warn others when they accidentally killed Scratch while playing an innocent game of fetch.

“I was having an enjoyable game of fetch with Scratch when everything suddenly turned deadly”. To put it simply, when throwing the ball to Scratch with mistake, accidentally struck Scratch instead causing him to become aggressive targeting everyone around camp and in his path “They slaughtered him before my shocked eyes!!” The user continued before screaming out “OH NO HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!!!”

Baldur’s Gate 3 has become known for these poignant “moments”, where AI delivers poignant dialogue or causes companions to act out certain behaviors based on specific triggers. According to other players, throwing the ball after Scratch dies causes other companions all have sad comments as did cause galavep to comment that Larian “made dialogues for this scenario…they really have thought everything through.”

Many players wish that Scratch came equipped with an invincibility flag or that fetch balls dealt no HP damage.

Baldur’s Gate 3 player accidentally kills Scratch the dog while playing fetch.
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