New leak reveals GTA 6 with NPC intelligence unlike anything seen before in our leak analysis.

New leak reveals GTA 6 with NPC intelligence unlike anything seen before in our leak analysis.

New leak reveals GTA 6 with NPC intelligence unlike anything seen before in our leak analysis.


Grand Theft Auto VI NPCs will reportedly be more intelligent than in previous games, even remembering your interactions.

Grand Theft Auto fans have experienced some disappointment this month as many were optimistic Rockstar Games would announce GTA VI at their October conference. When this failed to materialize, many likely lost hope and have been moping around ever since – or hiding.

As an additional blow, leaks and rumor surrounding the game persist, including one offering insight into its NPCs.

Leaks regarding Grand Theft Auto V were published by Reddit user Tobbelobben30 who claimed he came across an AI Debug menu which displays what NPCs will be capable of in GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2, suggesting it as an advancement over both titles.

Animations appear to have seen an upgrade, with facial expressions and character gestures becoming more realistic – this even applies to animals featured within the game!

The most surprising leak, though, was regarding AI intelligence. According to reports, they will be smarter than ever, remembering all interactions you have with them as part of making decisions in-game or taking actions against them like shooting them when wandering about aimlessly.

According to studies, they will also be more aware of your character – taking note of both appearance and even “smell.”

GTA: San Andreas brought back NPC interactions such as gang warfare for you to experience; you would often see rival gangs fighting or police fighting those causing chaos in real time. Another welcome change: NPC interactions such as NPC interactions between characters. For instance, these were prevalent throughout GTA San Andreas where you’d witness NPC interactions such as NPC conversations between NPC characters as gang war broke out regularly between rival factions or when police pursued those creating chaos causing mayhem on a daily basis!

GTA VI will bring back this feature, making Vice City and its surroundings much more immersive and lifelike.

Of course, all this remains speculation at this stage – we’ll know for certain when Rockstar announces it via trailer or when the game eventually launches.

New leak reveals GTA 6 with NPC intelligence unlike anything seen before in our leak analysis.
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