Fans praise Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Unreal Engine 5 remake as an absolute masterpiece

Fans praise Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Unreal Engine 5 remake as an absolute masterpiece

Fans praise Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Unreal Engine 5 remake as an absolute masterpiece


Fans want Nintendo to heed lessons learned from Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Unreal Engine 5 remake.

Nintendo boasts an expansive library, but The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time stands out as being an exceptionally impressive and groundbreaking title.

Today, its accomplishment is still remarkable; fans still dedicate hours exploring Hyrule and finding innovative strategies for speed runs or challenge runs.

Nintendo fans know this classic has long been one of their favorites and has seen repeated rereleases since, most recently on Nintendo Switch Online; many still believe a full remake would do justice.

Some dedicated Zelda fans have taken it upon themselves to do what Nintendo refuses and recreate portions of the game using Unreal Engine 5 with stunning results.

RwanLink recently unveiled one of his videos that shows off Lake Hylia meticulously recreated to look even bigger and better than before, complete with clear waters, lovely lighting effects, and Link’s detailed Emerald outfit – everything that Nintendo should consider should they decide to remake the game themselves!

One fan exclaimed: “This is one of the most breathtaking creations I’ve ever witnessed! If only there was an Ocarina of Time remake like this! Nintendo should hire you!”

Another commenter raved: “This remake of Asterix would cost a great deal more money but this beautiful rendition does the trick perfectly – an outstanding job!”

One participant shared: “Exacting what I imagined as a child. Thank you so much for creating an absolute masterpiece!”

No word yet on whether Ocarina Of Time will receive a complete remake in Unreal Engine 5 format; but, should one ever exist, here’s hoping it looks just as amazing.

Fans praise Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Unreal Engine 5 remake as an absolute masterpiece
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