After years, Dante’s Inferno boss fights remain intense.


Dante’s Inferno made its debut in 2010, marking an outstanding year of videogame releases that included Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect 2, Fallout: New Vegas and Super Mario Galaxy 2.

Dante’s Inferno stands as testament to how popular videogames remain years after they initially hit shelves; fans still hold it dear 13 years after its initial release date in an otherwise forgettable year like 2004. Many wonder why Electronic Arts hasn’t provided remake, remaster or sequel versions?

Visceral Games’ now defunct studio created Dante’s Inferno as part of its original Dead Space series and was heavily inspired by Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy poem. Dante’s Inferno took players through various levels of hell while its high octane gameplay emulated God of War titles for maximum action and epic boss battles.

Redditors on Reddit have been recalling Dante’s Inferno. Redditor AshenRathian opened up discussion in this thread by recalling its epic opening sequence featuring Dante fighting Death; Dante put up such an intense struggle that even Death himself begged to let Dante win! “Dante put up such an aggressive fight that Death begged Dante let him win; Dante grabbed his sword only moments after and BEGGING FOR HIS LIFE!! Absolutely nothing tops this momentous encounter!” he concluded his post by saying there could be nothing quite so spectacular as seen here.”

“Visceral Games produced some fantastic titles like Dead Space and this was absolutely one of them! I miss Visceral,” lamented Boncester2018 with much regret. AshenRathian replied in the affirmative by sharing how upset they still were over how this game concluded with such an unanswered question and never resolved its conclusion.

“I find it criminal that this game never got a sequel or remake!” exclaimed an outraged GONA_B_L8. But joyous eldwinddnd was delighted that she recently played it again on Xbox Game Pass Ultimate; for 13-year old game she found everything from atmosphere, gameplay and story absolutely fantastic and needed no sequel or remaster for sure!

As yet unknown – but given the overwhelming response on Reddit for Dante’s Inferno remake/sequel by fans – is whether Electronic Arts decides to go forward with such plans; many fans certainly hope they do; perhaps following EA’s recent success with Dead Space remake/remakes they could consider adapting Dante’s Inferno for new audiences?

Dante’s Inferno can now be found on Xbox Game Pass Ultimate; so if you want to know why everyone keeps talking about this classic title, I strongly urge you to give it a go and then politely contact EA about developing another Dante’s Inferno, please.

Topics Include EA, PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox Game Pass.

After years, Dante’s Inferno boss fights remain intense.
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