Red Dead Redemption 2 now features an expansive Mexico expansion you can explore immediately!
Red Dead Redemption 2 players can experience an updated Mexico from Red Dead Redemption thanks to a mod.
As if Red Dead Redemption 2 couldn’t get any bigger, modders have provided it with a fantastic map expansion – worth looking at.
As soon as players stepped into Red Dead Redemption 1, donning cowboy hats and saddles and setting out on an adventure as John Marston, they discovered an immense expanse of US land and Mexico to discover.
The release of Red Dead Redemption 2 caused us to mourn Mexico, an exploration area from our childhoods that no longer was an exploreable area. Yes, Mexico exists within Red Dead Redemption’s original game, but reaching it requires exploits or glitches; once there, all you’ll find there are barren, unfinished wastelands we were never meant to enter – many hoping Rockstar Games might deliver on that wish through additional DLC updates, yet no luck there either!
Have no fear though; LibertyCity makes downloading Nuev,o Paraiso – Mexico free and gives access to an updated Mexico region where you can freely explore.
Fans will recognize it instantly; modders simply recreated everything exactly how fanber it in Red Dead Redemption 2, making visual improvements and updating visual fidelity to match that of Red Dead Redemption 2 itself. While not an official part of either side’s content for Red Dead Redemption 2, fans can still explore and discover nostalgic spots while riding around! It is worth checking out; fans who miss riding through old environments won’t want to miss seeing some familiar spots again!
Rockstar Games’ next AAA release will bring back memories from Vice City for some players; only now it has grown into the size and scope of an entire state! GTA VI promises an immersive journey back into Rockstar’s 80s paradise that many may miss so dearly.
Red Dead Redemption 2 players looking to explore Mexico can now do so via LibertyCity.