Fallout 76 follows Cyberpunk 2077’s success and boasts 17 million players across its network. 2023 is shaping up to be an...
Hogwarts Legacy has finally received recognition with an nomination for Game Of The Year awards. Hogwarts Legacy might have gone without...
God of War ancient Egypt setting teased for sequel Egypt appears to be Kratos’ next target, as hinted by the latest...
Fallout 4 Horizon is now free-to-play! Enjoy it today. Fallout 5 may still be years away, but don’t despair: its modding...
Steam users nominate Red Dead Redemption 2 as an entry in their post-launch support award contest. Steam users have made voting...
Elden Ring Ascended is an entirely different game than before, so prepare yourself to experience something completely unique! Elden Ring: Shadow...
Horizon Zero Dawn meets Zelda for an amazing new open world adventure in Horizon Zero Dawn: Zelda Reaches Out Horizon from...
Elder Scrolls 6 and Far Cry Primal come together for an open world RPG experience. Recently there has been no shortage...
Fallout meets Dead Island for an incredible new zombie game! If you think zombie survival was over and done with, think...
GTA 6 fans may already have noticed the potential link to Red Dead Redemption 2 in a recently released trailer for GTA...