AI Generates ‘Real’ Faces for Popular PlayStation Characters Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made great strides in the past few years. Although hyper-intelligent...
Studios That Could Make a Great Rick and Morty Video Game Since its inceptionRick and MortyHe has maintained a loyal fan base....
Destiny Lore Proves Bungie Has Been Building to Savathun for Years Bungie clearly has big plans for the future destiny 2’sBeginning withThe...
Dustbusters Interview: Indie Devs Discuss Development of the Card Game Many creations can be found in the broad category of board games.DustbitersIt...
The Classic Atari Game Centipede is Making a Comeback Atari’sCentipedeIn 1981, the arcade cabinet was first introduced. The ultimate in arcade cabinet...
Story Threads a Death Stranding Sequel Could Explore Hideo Kojima’s bizarre and ambitious ideasDeath StrandingThey decided to do something completely new in...
Classic Cruis’n Racing Games Could Get Switch Remasters Many gamers of that era fondly remember the Nintendo 64 as a console full...
Skyrim Player Uses Mods to Make the Game Like Dark Souls Playing is a matter of courseSkyrimMods are used by players to...
Now Is the Perfect Time for A New Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Star Wars: Bounty HunterIt was released nearly two decades ago...
Marvel’s Avengers Adds Black Panther MCU Costume Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics are now available marvels AvengersLast year, Black Panther was added...