Sony PlayStation is offering gamers another long-awaited update. Sony appears poised to introduce achievement trophies on PC for players looking to...
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 fans have already started refusing to use its fast travel system. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will soon be hitting...
Cyberpunk 2077’s chaotic launch required extensive upgrades in quality checks for Witcher 4. Cyberpunk 2077 is at an amazing point right...
PlayStation 5 system update adds a feature we all wanted since the launch. The latest PlayStation 5 system update brings with...
PS Plus subscribers still have one final opportunity to take part in some massive open world RPGs. At PlayStation Plus subscribers...
PlayStation gamers can now grab $100 free store credit. Save your pennies whenever possible during these difficult economic times by shopping...
PlayStation Plus provides one of the finest open-world titles ever produced – one that stands the test of time aesthetically speaking. ...
PlayStation Plus announces huge bonus for subscribers Well this was certainly unexpected: Sony announced Sony Pictures Core (formerly Bravia Core )...
PlayStation Plus subscribers now have access to over PS120 worth of free games – available now to be downloaded directly onto their...
Nintendo announced they have discontinued both Wii U and 3DS consoles . Nintendo recently unveiled plans to discontinue online support for both...