Thundurus is a Electric and Flying-type Legendary Pokémon and May be yours with the Ideal counters in Pokémon GO.
Niantic Has attracted a Legendary grab and to group up against. You will attack and will be challenging to conquer without the team. This guide can allow you to decide on on the Thundurus raid counters.
Thundurus Raid Counters
Thundurus Is Flying-type Legendary Pokémon and an Electric initially introduced in Generation V. This Legendary is now a part of the Forces of Nature trio with Landorus and Tornadus and includes two kinds together with all the Incarnate Forme. Trainers might want to make a group since Thundurus is feeble to them, composed of Ice and Rock-type Pokémon. The counters below will provide you a chance at beating Thundurus.
- Rampardos — Smack Down and Rock Slide.
- Rhyperior — Smack Down and Stone Edge or Rock Wrecker.
- Mamoswine (Bebop) — Powder Snow and Avalanche.
- Glaceon (Rea) — Frost Breath and Avalanche.
- Tyranitar — Smack Down and Stone Edge.
- Weavile — Frost Breath and Avalance.
Having If you do not have a number of the advice listed 21, multiples of the in your group is okay. While Glaceon, Weavile, and my Mamoswine are not powerful enough, I still have. Remember that Thundurus is a Tier 5 Raid, which means you are going to want to be to conquer this famous Pokémon.
You may collect after beating Thundurus Your rewards and be taken to a screen which will permit it to be caught by you. Thundurus will probably be a welcome addition to your collection of Pokémon When one hasn’t been caught by you and fill in that place. Stay tuned to Guide Stash for much more Pokémon GO articles .