Dead by Daylight update version 1.90 is available to download for PS4, PC, and Xbox One. Here are the full patch notes for this update.
The Upgrade for Dead by Daylight implements a number of bug fixes and Adds content. Get the Dead patch notes below.
Dead by Daylight Update Version 1.90 Full Patch Notes (PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch)FEATURES & CONTENT
- When all remaining Survivors in a trial hit the Struggle phase on the hook, the Entity will instantly drain their remaining life bar.
- The repair speed Efficiency Debuff for each Survivor working on a generator has been increased to 15% (up from 10%).
- Great Skill Checks while repairing now give 1% bonus progression (down from 2%).
- Great skill Checks while repairing now give to 300 Bloodpoints (up from 150).
- Memento Mori interaction adjustment: Mori animations only begin playing at the end of the interaction charge.
- The Legion Feral Frenzy adjustment: Restored The Legion’s ability to see scratch marks and pools of blood at the beginning of the fatigue (when Feral Frenzy expires).
- The Emblem System: Adjusted the Benevolent Emblem progression thresholds.
- Added additional player feedback when Survivors attempt to escape a hook by themselves.
- Improved the Controller sensitivity range in Options.
- Added score events for interrupting Survivors that are sabotaging a hook, cleansing a totem or digging around in a Jigsaw box for a key.
- Updated the Party Management visuals – silhouette
- The Archives New Content: Tome 03
- Added a Details Screen to provide a full list of content available in the current Rift (Free + Premium tracks).
- On the offering screen, the description of the offerings now appear at the same time as the offering is revealed.
Coldwind Farm
- Torment Creek: Reduced the safety of the window in the silo.
- Rancid Abattoir: Reduced the safety of the window in the slaughterhouse.
- Fractured Cowshed: Reduced the safety of the window in the cowshed.
- Thompson House: Added a drop down from the second floor and added a window vault.
- Added safety to the combine harvesters vault preventing a strong alternative path.
MacMillan Estate
- Coal Tower: Removed the window on the first floor of the tower
- Groaning Storehouse: Removed the window in the storehouse.
- Ironworks of Misery: Reduced the safety of the window in the foundry.
Autohaven Wreckers
- Wretched Shop: Removed the RNG window spawn logic in the garage and reduced window safety.
Backwater Swamp
- Grim Pantry: Reduced the safety of the window under the shack.
Level Design QoL Fixes:
- Haddonfield corner fence vaults: Removed.
- Suffocation Pit: Removed the randomly generated window spawn logic and reduced the safety of the window loop in the mine.
- Disturbed Ward Pallet logic reduced to 2 pallets.
- Badham Preschool fence loop: shortened.
- Dead Dawg Saloon: Added breakable walls to the saloon.
Layout Tweaks: Updated tile-type spacing and or map size.
- Rotten Fields Reduced the size of the map and added more distance between Maze tiles.
- Wretched Shop: Added more distance between Maze tiles.
- Fractured Cowshed: Reduced the size of the map and added more distance between Maze tiles.
- Thompson House: Reduced the size of the map and added more distance between Maze tiles.
- Wrecker’s Yard: Reduced the size of the map and added more distance between Maze tiles.
- The Temple of Purgation: Reduced the size of the map and added more distance between Maze tiles.
- Mother’s Dwelling: Added more distance between Maze tiles.
- Mount Ormond Resort: Added more distance between Maze tiles.
For more info click here: Dev Update April 2020
- Head-On: added visual feedback to clearly indicate how soon the perk will be ready for use.
- Prove Thyself: Now adds 15% repair speed for each Survivor working on the same generator (up from 10%)
- Stake Out: Now adds an additional 1% bonus progression for Great skill checks.
- Play with your food: rewrote the description of the Perk. The effect remains unchanged.
- Sole Survivor: now lights up as soon as 1 token is acquired.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Invite notifications to show during a game.
- Fixed an issue that failed to award a Protection Score Event when taking a hit while the Killer is carrying a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused all players to be kicked out of the trial when a Killer attempted to pick up a Survivor while that Survivor is being healed.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Decisive Strike to not activate when being interrupted by a Nurse’s blink grab.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Franklin’s Demise to not reduce the item charges.
- The Underground Complex: Fixed a clipping issue on the Survivors’ right arm when entering and leaving a locker.
- Disturbed Ward: Fixed an issue that could cause the Killer and the Survivor to be unable to vault through a specific window.
- Treatment Theatre: Fixed an issue that caused the camera to clip through the wall of the 2nd floor near the stairs.
- Treatment Theatre: Fixed some lights that were too bright.
- Treatment Theatre: Fixed an issue that caused survivors to clip through the iron gate near the staircase of the second floor.
- Dead Dawg Saloon: Fixed the collision on certain rocks that could be climbed on.
- Torment Creek: Fixed a camera issue that allowed a Survivor to see out of world.
- Coal Tower: Fixed an issue that allowed survivors to reach a location where the killer couldn’t pick them up.
- Rancid Abattoir: Fixed a Texture seam on the ground tile of the main building.
- Temple of Purgation: Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor to be misplaced when entering and exiting a specific locker.
- Thompson House: Fixed an invisible collision near a door frame on the second floor of the building.
- Thompson House: Fixed missing collision on the second floor of the building.
- Ironworks of Misery: Fixed an issue that prevented Survivors from cleansing a specific totem from certain angles.
- Mother’s Dwelling: Fixed an issue that allowed a hill to be climbed on from its side.
- Backwater Swamp. Fixed a ground collision issue that caused players to fall out of world.
- The Hillbilly: Fixed the blood VFX when performing a Mori.
- The Hillbilly: Fixed an issue that caused the Hillbilly to be stuck in an animation when being stunned by a pallet while charging forward with the chainsaw.
- The Hag: Fixed the interrupt animation from the Survivor’s point of view.
- The Hag: Fixed an issue that caused the red stain of a triggered Phantasm Trap to still be visible from the Survivor point of view, when the Hag has the Add-on Rusty Shackles equipped.
- The Deathslinger: Fixed a clipping issue when aiming down sights with the default head customization.
- The Nightmare: Fixed an issue that caused the Snares to appear black to a survivor if the snare was placed while the survivor was awake.
- The Cannibal: Fixed an issue that caused the Killer to be unable to press the attack button to cancel his chainsaw if the charge bar is full.
- The Oni: Fixed an issue that caused the grab animation to trigger twice when picking up a survivor in Blood Fury mode.
- Fixed an issue that caused female Survivors to appear offset when being grabbed while vaulting away from the Spirit.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Flashlight’s beam to pass through assets and walls.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors with the Red Herring perk to still see the aura of the last repaired generator while being affected by the Blindness status effect.
- The Demogorgon: Fixed an issue that caused a particle emitter to remain present when a Survivor destroys a portal.
- The Shape: Fixed an issue that caused the arms to stretch when performing a Mori.
- Fixed an issue that caused the heads of the Legion and the Deathslinger to snap back when finding a survivor in a locker.
- The Nightmare: Fixed an issue that caused most of the shadows generated in the Dream State to be misplaced and stretched.
- The Oni: Fixed an issue that allowed the Oni to turn faster when using a controller.
- The Wraith: Fixed an issue that caused the Wraith to not see his arm when stunned while carrying a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Pop Goes the Weasel to go on cooldown if a generator regresses due to the perk Surge activating.
- Mount Ormond Resort: Fixed various flickering snow textures.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors who are infected by the Plague have no falling animation.
- Fixed an issue that caused most male Survivors have wide open eyes when using a flashlight.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Kindred reveals a killer using the perk Insidious.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be stuck in the environment when sabotaging a hook from a certain angle on hill tiles in multiple maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors with Kindred to briefly see The Nightmare when he teleports to a generator while Kindred is active.
- Fixed an issue that caused the transitioning animation to the struggle phase to not play smoothly when being hooked as a female character.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Sole Survivor to only light up when the Survivor’s aura is being hidden.
- Polished the animation of the Legion’s vaults during Feral Frenzy.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Technician to nullify the effect of the noise-reduction from the Spring Clamp add-on.
- The Hillbilly: Fixed an issue that triggered the basic attack sound after revving the chainsaw and after attacking with the chainsaw.
- The Underground Complex: fixed the audio on some plastic boxes when striking them with a basic attack.
- The Huntress: Muted the lullaby for the Killer and the Survivor when in chase.
- The Huntress: Fixed an issue that caused the breathing sound to play over the lullaby and other sounds.
- Fixed a missing SFX when a Survivor wiggles out of the Killer’s grasp.
Fixes & Changes from PTB
- Ironworks of Misery: Added a few boxes to extend the loop of the stronger window in the foundry.
- Dead Dawg Saloon: Added more breakable walls to the saloon.
- Thompson House: Added a locker back to the farmhouse upper floor.
- Fixed an issue that failed to award a Protection Score Event when taking a hit while the Killer is carrying a Survivor.
- The Cannibal: Polished the prestige weapon skin.
- Fixed various clipping issues