Cancelled PS2 Aliens: Colonial Marines Trailer Emerges
It can be difficult to create a videogame adaptation of one of the most popular science fiction franchises in history. Take a look at the 2013 version. Aliens, Colonial Marines. Gearbox Alien has been an icon since day one, failed to meet multiple expectations, and disappointed many people waiting for the game for years. Its fame aside, many may not know that the action-shooter or at least an early version of it was originally planned for the PlayStation 2. However, it was ultimately cancelled. A trailer was made, which has since been released.
A launch trailer for Aliens: Colonial Marines on PS2 has been uploaded to YouTube. It shows off the filmic marketing material and a high-octane feel. The trailer was uploaded to the Mr.F01 channel. It was never released. It also says that the game was not completed because of problems with the engine. The description was posted to the Mr.F01 channel. This adaptation is allegedly inspired by James Cameron’s 1987 Alien sequel, which is often a fan favorite, and would have been done in collaboration with EA.
Check Six is well-known for its development of Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly. However, they are no longer in operation, so we will never know how this version of the Aliens title would turn out. The trailer makes it look fascinating. Colonial Marines, the 2013 Alien movie, is regarded as one of the worst. It would have been fascinating to see how the PlayStation 2 version would have fared, which would have come many years before the original. The only thing left is this trailer, which has been forgotten for years.
A documentary about Mr.F01 is also available on their channel. It features input from the original programmers involved in the development of the game. Fox pulled the plug on the entire project after the PlayStation 2 Colonial Marines were allegedly plagued by bugs. Gearbox tried again several years later, but it seems that not much has changed. However, the 2013 adaptation was at least made.
Alien games are not completely dead. Although Aliens: Fireteam Elite has received mixed reviews, it seems that there is still a chance to create an action-packed, decent game set in James Cameron’s universe. Creative Assembly’s horrifying Alien Isolation will be remembered fondly by many, even though it recreates the terror of meeting a Xenomorph.