FFXIV players are waiting in line to wait in another line
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FFXIV players are waiting in line to wait in another line

FFXIV players are waiting in line to wait in another line

FFXIV players are waiting in line to wait in another line

It has been a month since Endwalker was launched. Final Fantasy XIV gamers are still crowding into 6.0’s final zone to try to slay Chi–-a Fate boss rewarding a Stormblood-era mount, Level Checker. It can take several hours to wait for Chi’s Fate, and the queue is still long at the end of the day. There are hundreds of players waiting to log in and wait.

Also, hi, it’s me. I’m the ‘players waiting to be called’. My strategy right now is to gather many materials in the evenings when I’m not at work. Then, I park my Miqo’te at Chi’s Fate’s spawning place and craft for hours. This allows me to check and see if the boss is still there periodically. I have seen Chi pop twice but still haven’t received my mount. However, I cannot explain why; it may just be a sunk cost fallacy.

If you are not in the loop and are willing to accept a few spoilerish details, Chi will be the last boss of a three Fate chain. It can spawn once every 48 hours and is tracked by the community through tools such as Faloop! or Discord alerts. Players flock to the instance to wait for the boss platform when Chi’s Fate spawn window opens. It is possible to be there for as little as 30 minutes or even longer. This becomes more difficult when you consider FFXIV’sAFK timer. Six Chi Bolts are awarded to those who earn the most participation rewards for the Fate. Twelve of those bolts will get you the Level Checker mount that everyone wants. You do need to kill Chi twice.

The Level Checker mount you are rewarded with is one of my favourites; I understand why we’re all here. This mount replicates the Level Checkers that you encounter when you first enter Stormblood’s Omega Raids. It was based on an enemy in Final Fantasy V. Your character is adorable and small when you mount upon it. It’s something I enjoy, and it seems everyone else loves it too. While a typical Fate only has a few people showing it, Chi’s Fate could have hundreds.

However, I did this yesterday on my server, and there are still large crowds waiting for Chi for days. This is in addition to the wait time you are experiencing to get into the server congestion. Even though I thought things would settle down after a month, even though my queue times are still long. However, everyone has been crowded around Endwalker since yesterday. I can recall Ixion constantly crashing instances due to the traffic in stormblood. But I don’t recall the camping outlasting as long as our community loves Chi.

Chi’s Fate lures you into believing it will spawn. You’ll be able to see two other Fates named “Omicron Recall” before it can pop. They can both spawn many times before Chi does. Both of them need to die at least once before the thing can emerge. Because I’m an intelligent person, I flew around and bred other Fates while waiting for the first time. Chi was sexed in under a minute and then died. I arrived just at the right time to look at the corpse.


FFXIV players are waiting in line to wait in another line
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