FAQ: ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ Will Not Feature Quidditch
The upcoming Harry Potter RPG Hogwarts Heritage was finally shown to us in action last week. It looks amazing and packed full of fun things.
Hogwarts Heritage is the sim Wizarding World fans have been looking forward to. There are classes to take, spells to master, and an entire region to explore.
The gameplay trailer showed that we will eventually be able to fly quickly through the game’s world, either using a broomstick or a magical creature like a Hippogriff (or hopefully, a dragon by end of the game).
Fans are hopeful that Hogwarts Legacy will include a Quidditch minigame, given the inclusion of broomsticks. The trailer showed a glimpse of the school’s Quidditch pitch. It is a Harry Potter RPG. It’s obvious.
It seems that Quidditch may be one of the few activities that is not offered in Hogwarts Heritage. Although there are flying classes and broomstick races, the official FAQ doesn’t mention Quidditch.
Developer Avalanche Software doesn’t talk about it at the moment, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it isn’t in the game.
There are still a few months before Hogwarts Heritage‘s “Holiday 2020” release. This gives you plenty of time for more information and an exciting Quidditch reveal. What if Quidditch is not available? It still looks like an enormous adventure with lots to do. It’s not something we’ll regret in the grand scheme.