Apex Legends Lifeline gets a new trailer ahead of the town takeover and leaked buff
Apex Legends’ favourite combat medic received a new Story From the Outlands Trailer today in advance of the next event. This trailer, called “Family Business”, focuses on Ajay Che’s journey to the games and her relationships with Octane and her family. Although this trailer does not reveal any new legends for Season 14, it is much more focused on the leaked Lifeline buff and her Town Takeover, which will be coming soon.
This trailer is set sometime before the events in Apex Legends. It shows Lifeline and Octane infiltrating Silva Pharmaceuticals to save some victims of an attack. The heist does not go according to plan, which leads to a confrontation with Ajay’s arms dealer mom and Octane’s manipulative father. You may have seen Octane’s father in trailers from Season 12, and he is the one trying to control the Apex Games.
Fun fact: Octane’s face is finally revealed in a trailer. Family Business, even though it has been shown in artwork before, is the first time we see this handsome, adrenaline junkie. This trailer was also made before Octane lost his legs. Ajay helped to make it.
A variety of leaks have appeared around Lifeline, including the trailer. One of them is a new Town Takeover set up on Olympus. This new P.O.I. appears to be located near the Gardens. The new point of interest (or point of interest) is a hospital where players will find Medkits on shelves. This area of the map is very rarely used and offers the most open space. I don’t think it’s surprising that Respawn would want to drive players away from areas such as Estates or Fight Night.
Lifeline appears to be receiving a buff soon, which she desperately needs for several months. According to the leak, D.O.C.’s healing pools have increased from 1,500 to 9,999. The healing radius of the drone has been increased by two, and down teammates can opt-out of being auto-revived. The cooldown for Lifeline’s ultimate has been reduced from 5 minutes to 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
Respawn has shown some affection to Newcastle with the introduction of Newcastle. Because of Newcastle’s ability both to save and revive people, Lifeline is effectively useless in many situations. Her healing abilities can be boosted to give her more utility in chaotic situations where resources are scarce. Although I would prefer to see her drone move around, the increased radius will prove useful when fighting from behind the cover.
Also, the ultimate cooldown reduction is essential. It can be quite strong, but players can only use it once per match if they reach the end. This buff will enable her to provide consistent supplies and equipment at all stages of matches. We also know that Lifeline will likely get the Family Business outfit as a skin in the game.