Europa Universalis 4 Console Commands & Cheats
Europa Universalis 4’s complicated nature makes it difficult to seize the upper hand. Many variables go into ruling a nation and your neighbor’s potential nefarious plans. This is why console commands or cheats may be the best way to get the upper hand.
EU4’s console commands, cheats, and other tools can help you create different scenarios and view alternate histories. You can do a lot with them. We’ve listed the best ones below.
Europa Universalis IV Console Commands & Cheats
The tilde key (`) can bring up Europa Universalis 4’s console. However, this may vary depending on how your keyboard layout works. They won’t work in ironman games, so you can’t cheat to get those harder achievements.
When entering the commands, remember to remove brackets. Here are some more useful EU4 console commands.
- debug_mode: Displays the country tag and ID of the provinces, as well as the border distance, when you move your cursor across them
- fow – Toggles fog of war on/off
- ti – Toggles terra incognita on/off
- adm (number), (Country tag), – Gives you the specified number of administrative power points. Country tag optional.
- Cash (number) (Country Tag) – Gives you the number of ducats specified; the optional country tag indicates the target
- Manpower (number) (Country Tag) – Gives you the specified amount; the optional country tag indicates the target
- sailors (number). (Country tag) – Allows you to have the specified number of sailors. Country tag optional.
- Prestige (number) (Country Tag) – Gives you the specified amount in distinction. Country tag optional.
- Legitimacy (number) (Country Tag) – This sets the legitimacy of the current ruler at a specified amount. Country tag optional.
- Dip (number) (Country Tag) – Gives you the required diplomatic power points. Country tag optional.
- Mil (number) (Country Tag) – Gives you the required military power points. Country tag optional. Indicates target
- Assimilate (Province ID), (Country Tag). – Change ownership, core culture, religion, and set culture.
- add_claim (ProvinceID) (CountryTag) – Add specific claim; optional country tag, indicates target
- Add_permanent_claim (ProvinceID) (Country Tag – Permanent claim for a specific province. Country tag optional.
- Add_heir (Country Tag – Kills an existing heir; optional country tag indicating target
- add_opinion (Actor Country Tag) (Target Country Tag) – This will add 100 opinions of the target country for the actor country
- Age (number): Changes the age of a game. 0 is Age of Discovery, 1 is Age of Reformation, 2 or Age of Absolutism, and 3 is Age of Revolutions.
- age_consort (number), (Country Tag – Consort’s age can be set to a specified number. Country tag optional.
- Age_heir (number, Country Tag) – To set heirs’ age; optional country tag to indicate the target
- Age_ruler (number, Country Tag) – This is where you set the rulers’ age. The country tag can be optional and indicates the target.
- Bearhaslanded (Province ID – Spawns Jan Mayen
- Declare_war (defender tag), (attacker tag), – Declares war on specified nations
- Epic fail (Country Tag – All spies fail; optional country tag indicates the target
- Kill_heir (Country Tag – Kills the heir; optional country tag, indicates the target
- god – Toggles god mode on/off