Street Fighter 6 World Tour – Zangief Master Guide
Grappler characters have long been an archetype in fighting games since Street Fighter 2, with Zangief being their symbol throughout this era. Since appearing as cossack dancing and piledriving his way to victory in SF2, Zangief has featured prominently across several Street Fighter games since and been an unstoppable destructive force throughout.
Zangief’s devastating command grabs and high damage normal attacks make him nearly unbeatable when standing directly next to him, yet against zoning characters he tends to struggle more. Still, because you World Tour character can learn everyone’s moves — including movement abilities like Dhalsim’s teleport — Zangief can become valuable tools in your arsenal; for anyone hoping to learn grappling, here is everything they need to know in order to become Zangief’s student in Street Fighter 6 World Tour mode:
Head to Metro City’s Mike Haggar Memorial Stadium during Chapter 9-2 to meet Uou, an intimidatingly hairy individual in distress due to an event no longer taking place, whom you need to calm down by fighting him on either side of the stairs. Once defeated, Saou will thank you for helping his tag partner relax before giving you an entry ticket for Russia.
Once in Russia, you’ll spot Gief giving Uou and Saou a lesson in Russian muscle power. When watching this cutscene, introduce yourself to Zangief; he may ask to become his student, suggesting building beautiful muscles is something you would enjoy doing yourself; hopefully you may end up finding yet another master to train under!