Fans believe Rockstar’s GTA 5 October content drops could be seen as an indicator for GTA 6’s official reveal.
Grand Theft Auto 5 players believe Rockstar may have begun its October content updates early so as not to coincide with GTA 6’s unveiling later in October.
Fans have eagerly anticipated Grand Theft Auto VI since its official announcement was teased earlier this month, and believe an announcement should occur before the month is out.
Based on previous game announcements by Rockstar, most notably Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption 2, both released in late October, it’s highly likely Grand Theft Auto VI will follow suit and be announced.
Now, fans believe this theory even more strongly given Grand Theft Auto Online’s latest content drop for Halloween celebration.
Reddit user TheRealCVDY posted something interesting, which stated “Has anyone noticed how aggressively Rockstar has been releasing everything they had planned for October over the last several days? They have posted multiple times daily across their various social channels detailing various new or returned elements to GTA Online over this span; much more active than normal.”
“Regarding GTA VI, is it possible they could temporarily put aside development to let players enjoy GTA 5 for about 2 weeks before tease/announce it? Just speculation.”
No doubt this is pure speculation, but it seems noteworthy that most new/returning content for Grand Theft Auto Online is being released early each month as opposed to spreading over several weeks or even days.
So far we’ve witnessed numerous gameplay leaks for GTA VI, most showing its unfinished state and others providing details about its huge open world, characters, and mysteries we will encounter when visiting Vice City. With so much evidence surfacing about its release date approaching quickly it looks likely Rockstar will deliver what fans want: finally showing us their 10-year project.
GTA VI will launch for Xbox Series X/S, PS5, and possibly PC platforms when released.