Fans have given Assassin's Creed Odyssey rave reviews as one of its best titles so far in this franchise.

Fans have given Assassin’s Creed Odyssey rave reviews as one of its best titles so far in this franchise.

Fans have given Assassin’s Creed Odyssey rave reviews as one of its best titles so far in this franchise.


Fans of Assassin’s Creed can attest that Odyssey stands out with some of its finest graphics and visuals in all the series.

Ubisoft is well known for creating spectacular open-world environments, filled with secrets and minute attention to detail. One such masterpiece was Assassin’s Creed Mirage which depicted Baghdad with such accuracy that some historians even shed tears while playing it!

However, some of the greatest open worlds were found within some of the lowest-rated Assassin’s Creed titles — especially its RPG trilogy — including Origins as one component, Valhalla as another, and finally Odyssey which we will discuss here today.

Though none of them were bad games, critics took issue with how far away from the mainline titles these spin-offs strayed; with Origins as the exception as it still featured stories about the Order of Assassins.

As for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, its recent reception has been remarkable, with some critics hailing it as one of the greatest RPGs ever created and one of the most stunning installments of Assassin’s Creed’s long series of games.

Redditor076 posted, asking whether Odyssey could be AC’s most gorgeous game: “Odyssey gets unfair criticism for being associated with AC but, taken as its own standalone experience, is truly gorgeous to play in and should receive much greater praise compared to any of AC’s open world titles.”

Fans were generally in agreement that Ancient Greece provided plenty of opportunities for captivating visuals – whether the character was on land or water.

“Valhalla outshines Odyssey on technical aspects, yet Odyssey stands out through superior art direction that sets it apart.”

“Valhalla would take my “Most Beautiful Game” award; however, Odyssey provides one of the finest views of Athens when one first summits the hill.”

“Out of all three RPG titles, Valhalla stands alone as being my favorite.” Origins was close behind. Valhalla wasn’t far behind either.

Odyssey was unquestionably an incredible visual treat, yet Ubisoft could do even more when it comes to visual fidelity for Assassin’s Creed Red by taking its storyline across Japan.

Fans have given Assassin’s Creed Odyssey rave reviews as one of its best titles so far in this franchise.
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