Fallout 4 New-Gen Patch receives disappointing update

Fallout 4 New-Gen Patch receives disappointing update

Fallout 4 New-Gen Patch receives disappointing update


Bethesda promised Fallout 4 players an upgrade back in October 2022; however, over one year has since passed with no sign of it arriving. Recently however, some developers provided some insight as to where exactly this update might be hiding out.

Bethesda announced last October that Fallout 4, the 2015 action-adventure game from their Fallout franchise, would receive an upgraded and expanded experience by 2023 – however as 2023 quickly approaches it appears the company got sidetracked with Starfield being their current project; perhaps fans should take this as an indication but are eager for any explanation on a timeline or any possible delays that have taken place in developing or publishing Starfield?

Now one former Bethesda executive has provided details regarding Fallout 4 update’s whereabouts. Pete Hines who worked on all Bethesda releases in the last twenty years recently announced his retirement, yet still managed to provide insight on its location despite leaving studio altogether. Regardless, Hines provided insight regarding Fallout 4.

Hines stated he attempted to gain an update before leaving but nothing concrete enough was shared with him. While this does not provide us with much insight, it confirms our fears: Fallout 4 next-gen patch won’t likely arrive anytime soon.

Fallout 4’s next-gen update would bring several performance upgrades including 4K resolution, higher frame rates, and visual upgrades; however, due to Bethesda being coy about its release we may just have to cross our fingers and hope it comes soon.

While waiting, some fans of Fallout are creating alternative scenarios of London for Fallout, making a significant change from Mojave Desert environments. Furthermore, one mod offers 24 brand-new quests.

Fallout 4 New-Gen Patch receives disappointing update
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