Unreal Engine's realistic horror experience is perfect for fans of Paranormal Activity and Silent Hill.

Unreal Engine’s realistic horror experience is perfect for fans of Paranormal Activity and Silent Hill.

Unreal Engine’s realistic horror experience is perfect for fans of Paranormal Activity and Silent Hill.


An ambitious fan project imagines P.T. as an actual full game experience; something we have all been hoping for in Silent Hill.

P.T. never lived up to my hopes for it as an outstanding horror game, although Hideo Kojima created an unreleased PlayStation demo where players wander through an infinite hallway loop while being followed by something sinister that attaches itself firmly onto them – I still find this deeply upsetting!

Kojima and Konami had originally intended for it to serve as an elaborate teaser of a game called Silent Hills; unfortunately this project fell through due to their breakup.

Silent Hill fans received some good news recently when Konami announced several projects were in development – such as a remake of Silent Hill 2 that I can only hope is successful and eagerly anticipate!

Chaperone, an independent fan-made game developed with Unreal Engine 4, will soon become what P.T. was always meant to be. Players will control first person view as they walk through an ominously dark house filled with interactive objects as well as unknown dangers awaiting discovery by them.

Every corridor and room of the house seems shockingly narrow and enclosed, adding another layer of tension as you slowly creep past each corner, never knowing what awaits around the next turn. You might catch glimpses from behind closed doors or hear noises that don’t fit, as well as see things out of the corner of your eye or hear sounds that don’t belong – all while searching for ways out.

According to early reviews, it appears the developers did an exceptional job at crafting an atmosphere in their game; their inspiration from both P.T. and Silent Hill shines brightly through its gameplay.

Add this title to your Steam wishlist and keep an eye out, particularly if you are anticipating the next official entry of Silent Hill series.

Unreal Engine’s realistic horror experience is perfect for fans of Paranormal Activity and Silent Hill.
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