PlayStation Plus users have given an incredible reaction to a free Portal inspired game they played through PS Plus

PlayStation Plus users have given an incredible reaction to a free Portal inspired game they played through PS Plus

PlayStation Plus users have given an incredible reaction to a free Portal inspired game they played through PS Plus


PlayStation Plus users have given Superliminal high marks as it draws heavily upon Valve’s classic Portal for inspiration and is therefore ideal for fans.

One Redditor took to Reddit recently to give indie game Superliminal the attention it deserved, declaring it one of their “coolest games I’ve played for quite sometime”. They mentioned how playing it gave them that same feeling that first experiencing Portal did.

Portal remains one of the great puzzle games ever designed, as evidenced by its ongoing legacy and popularity today. Below you’ll find an immersive Prelude RTX experience!

I agree with the original post of this thread; when reviewing this game on release it absolutely blew my mind! You must maneuver your way through puzzles by expanding or contracting objects as well as changing perspectives; it gives a Portal-esque vibe but without its signature voice lines!

Players also praised this title, commenting, “Great game – has that Stanley Parable vibe (brilliant game),” and, “I’m having so much fun!” Additionally, numerous people thanked Redditor for drawing it to their attention – PlayStation Plus offers such a vast catalogue that it may be difficult to know what games to try; posts such as this certainly help widening out install base!

One user, u/andykekomi, commented that Superliminal was “super creative and packed full of carefully concealed collectibles that make for satisfying hunting sessions. Puzzles can be solved via suggested options within the world – copying items or expanding them can all be reversed easily, leading to trial-and-error and experimentation for maximum fun in Superliminal’s world – similar to opening your first box of toys as a child! “

PlayStation Plus users have given an incredible reaction to a free Portal inspired game they played through PS Plus
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