Hogwarts Legacy player shares tricks to turn game into "an immersive RPG".

Hogwarts Legacy player shares tricks to turn game into “an immersive RPG”.

Hogwarts Legacy player shares tricks to turn game into “an immersive RPG”.


Hogwarts Legacy already provides an engaging gaming experience due to its RPG roots, yet some players are finding even more inventive approaches for making Hogwarts Legacy even more immersive and stimulating.

No, you won’t actually cast spells; only witches and wizards may cast real magic spells! Instead, the “immersive RPG” experience for regular folk involves mundane yet everyday activities they wouldn’t typically carry out such as changing clothes before bed – like this post itself or an intense secret mode that another user created! And if this post seems strangely strange to you, take a look at their intense secret mode that someone else created!

These tricks come courtesy of Hogwarts Legacy player and Reddit user lauinked, who previously spent numerous hours immersed in RDR2 but is missing its “‘day in the life’ immersion”. These tips offer just that immersion!

As has already been noted, changing your character’s clothes is one of the easiest and best ways to immerse yourself into their world instead of feeling detached from it. “[I wear] my school uniform if attending Hogwarts; otherwise outdoor attire,” was suggested as one suggestion from one OP’s review.

As another top tip for RPGers, try eating an apple to simulate that your character “feels too busy to sit down for meals at the great hall”. While this might sound silly to some gamers, this small action adds authenticity to RPG games; we understand though that not everyone wishes to take such steps in their RPG experience.

Alongside these suggestions, the thread also discusses making sure your character receives a bath every few days and reading mail before starting new quests.

Immersion requires much dedication and one HL fan admitted they “wouldn’t have the patience for just one of those activities”. We found their statement profoundly relatable – almost as though that particular gamer knows us intimately!

But these tricks offer something else besides just penetrating into our souls: They provide an exciting twist to Hogwarts Legacy’s narrative!

Hogwarts Legacy player shares tricks to turn game into “an immersive RPG”.
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