PlayStation store credit has left gamers puzzled and confounded.
As much as we appreciate a generous offer, when that deal stands head and shoulders above any others why would anyone settle for anything less? That is exactly the question plaguing PlayStation gamers as they’ve become dismayed at one particular free store credit offer that has left them confused and perplexed.
One PlayStation fan took to Reddit to document their discovery, while also admitting their bemusement at why such a system exists. For just 5,000 PS Stars they could get one PS20 gift card; even more impressive when combined with 15,000 Stars as suggested by the original poster (OP).
“Question: Why would anyone, including myself, spend 15,000 points on Sekiro (which will get them one PS30 game each sale), instead of using these points towards getting a PS60 gift card instead?” They concluded this is “[it’s] very flawed system”. Yes it may be flawed but for those of us with points to spare it could be great day learning of such “loopholes”.
Redditors reminded everyone, however, that “You will still earn points by purchasing with your 20 USD redemption. In essence, PS Stars can be converted to free money that will then give more points and gift cards; all in all it’s truly magnificent and all too confusing at the same time.”
PlayStation Plus may still be having difficulty winning over its users after December’s games were unveiled (though February looks better), but its free store credit system might just make up for that shortcoming.
According to many pleased PlayStation players, an infinite point glitch had been discovered and now is an amazing way to take advantage of free store credit before Sony takes steps against this phenomenon.