PlayStation gamers may soon lose content they paid for.
PlayStation users will soon lose access to purchases they made since December 2016, prompting fans to call it daylight theft.
Digital stores can be unpredictable. While easily accessible content may exist online stores, license issues or the wishes of large corporations could force these stores to alter and revamp their offering without prior warning or explanation.
PlayStation owners are learning this the hard way as an assortment of TV shows and films will become unaccessible to them regardless of if or when they paid for them.
Culture Crave tweeted out information regarding Sony’s plans: they plan on purging many television shows from its PlayStation Store before year’s end.
“Sorry! No longer usable”
Delisting some items from a digital store would only affect new users; those who’ve outright purchased TV shows won’t be able to watch them after spending hard-earned cash for this privilege.
Users were understandably outraged, using it as yet another example why purchasing digital goods alone could become dangerous in time.
One user stated, “That is why physical media preservation is of such great significance.
Another supporter declared, “Physical Copy advocates keep winning! They continue to push hard in favour of physical copies.”
One legal expert contemplated the legal ramifications of media products going missing without refund, asking: ‘Without compensation or reimbursements available to me, how is that not theft?”
Sony did not specify in their statement about leaving digital stores that whether or not refunds for previous purchases might be provided as they leave.
PlayStation Store will feature the list of cancelled shows until 31 December 2023; then they are gone forever.