Fallout 4 Horizon is now free-to-play! Enjoy it today.


Fallout 5 may still be years away, but don’t despair: its modding community provides everything needed for an exhilarating post-apocalyptic adventure for free!

Bethesda would surely love it if Starfield were their most successful game ever produced, yet The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4 remain more popular – at least until Starfield gains official mod support next year.

However, those who love Fallout have an indefinite wait until their next adventure on-game or via Amazon TV show might suffice in satisfying that need.

Before Fallout 5, or its next-gen update for Fallout 4 arrives, modding communities play a pivotal role in keeping fans satisfied through new gameplay additions, stories, and open worlds – each one deserving its own spotlight.

Fallout 4 Horizon represents an expansive change to both gameplay and visuals in Fallout 4, concentrating on Survival Mode as its central feature. Survival Mode adds extreme difficulty by making enemies harder and equipment weaker while forcing the player to keep track of rest, hydration and more while exploring Commonwealth – not for fainthearted players! Furthermore, Horizon expands this challenge further!

Mods such as this one allow players to experience Fallout like survival games rather than arcade-like RPGs; therefore, this mod could be right up your alley if that is what appeals to you.

Not only can the enemy encounters change dramatically, but you’ll be able to add new tools and abilities to your arsenal – something which may come in handy given the Commonwealth is full of threats armed with weapons of their own and seeking protection against you.

NexusMods makes downloading this absolutely free mod easy – download now to access them all!

Fallout 4 Horizon is now free-to-play! Enjoy it today.
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