Elder Scrolls 6 fans may now have cause for alarm in light of Starfield's announcement.

Elder Scrolls 6 fans may now have cause for alarm in light of Starfield’s announcement.

Elder Scrolls 6 fans may now have cause for alarm in light of Starfield’s announcement.


Bethesda fans are bracing themselves for The Elder Scrolls VI following Starfield’s disappointing launch.

What was originally expected to be one of Bethesda’s premier RPGs quickly degenerated when its core player base felt let down by what many perceived to be just another Fallout title in space.

Building and traveling through space on your own starship was enjoyable at first, yet quickly proved disappointing as most planets offered nothing other than places for gathering materials or creating bases.

Bethesda has taken to countering negative reviews with reasons as to why its game deserves people’s time and money.

The Elder Scrolls VI was announced before Starfield came out but only recently started active development. Fans have high hopes for its sequel after critically-acclaimed The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was critically received – though some worry it will turn into another disaster like Starfield!

Even as Elder Scrolls subreddits continue to post enthusiastically on what the Elder Scrolls VI needs in order to be successful, some fans remain concerned it might turn out as yet another failed experiment.

EvenAH27 blamed Bethesda’s recent shortcomings on ideas being brand-new to them; specifically Fallout 76 being their inaugural multiplayer title while Starfield being an IP in an unfamiliar setting where no game had gone before.

They then asked whether Elder Scrolls 6 could avoid this trend of negativity due to its familiarity and safety of an established IP?

Some fans disagree and stated: “TES 6 will likely fall victim to Bethesda’s current trend of negativity and inattention”.

Bethesda needs another Xbox to step in and shape their next game to help advance Bethesda’s design ethos, which has stagnated since 2011.

One argued: “Some of us just enjoy snacking on what Bethesda is offering us lately; don’t you want a game which brings together and excites people?”

The Elder Scrolls VI remains to be released; its exact release date remains unannounced at present. It could take another few years until this game lands.

Elder Scrolls 6 fans may now have cause for alarm in light of Starfield’s announcement.
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