Cyberpunk 2077 publisher offering free sci-fi adventure now
Santa has come and gone; gifts have been opened (ripped open), and we’re all too full of cheese for comfort – yet still more surprises can be found for Cyberpunk 2077 fans to open (including one from its publisher! ).
GOG is offering up some free gaming this holiday season – in the form of a sci-fi adventure which draws upon some serious Blade Runner influences; an engaging postmodernism noir that will have you donning long coats in no time!
“A cigarette slips away into oblivion. As dawn begins to break on this sea of buildings below, I look up towards the stars once last time before they disappear forever – they offer no guidance; none care. My responsibility to make decisions lies within myself alone but unfortunately, no-one seems willing or capable of helping with that decision-making. Nor have they any idea why or how. ”
No more time for thought: it is now or never.”
It has angst, it has gumption and it will make your jaw hurt from all its tension – this noir game takes your actions as its basis; any wrong decisions made on your behalf come back to bite!
Lacuna boasts a Top Critic Average score of 82 and offers between five-half to thirteen hours of gameplay depending on how committed to completionist you are.
Do not let its simple pixel art style fool you; Cyberpunk 2077 offers uncompromising options when it comes to decision-making – any mistakes on your part are all yours and should not be tolerated by its publisher for too long! So if this type of investigation sounds intriguing to you, act quickly as its publisher won’t allow free access for much longer!
Make the move and expand your library now with GOG!