Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour for Android & IOS Free Download
Android Games

Command & Conquer: Generals – Zero Hour for Android & IOS Free Download

Command & Conquer: Generals – Zero Hour for Android & IOS Free Download


In addition, Zero Hour is a sequel to Command & Conquer: Generals which isn’t a well-known RTS game. It is an add-on that delights players with advancements, due to which the premise of combat as well as gameplay in general have changed substantially.

Amid mandatory tasks that require resources, like gathering them or assembling an army and setting up a base, possibilities have emerged like fighting without a huge force, but instead using a smaller team which allows a player to be multitasking and lets you efficiently distribute resources.

It allows players to keep their head above water, even though the opponents’ army is stronger and more comprehensive and skilled, savvy tactics will allow them to win. Even though the number of missions is less than the game’s original, however, it’s worth noting that the maps of the expansion are more intricate.

There are separate campaigns available within the game where unique storylines are kept. Additionally, there’s an exclusive reward system for players that, if certain essential conditions are met players will be awarded rewards in the shape of a trophy.

All awards received will be displayed in the single-player map option menu. One of the biggest improvements to the Generals can be regarded as that they appear in the supplementary of different generals. They are with three generals in each faction (China, USA, MAO). Each one has distinct fighting skills as well as a focus on a specific type of weapon. Because of this, the game’s new mode has been made available.

It is the kind of duel where each general picked by the participant takes turns engaging in battle with the different generals.



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Command & Conquer: Generals – Zero Hour for Android & IOS Free Download
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